The birds of Bangladesh

birds of bangladesh
Bangladesh is the homeland of many kinds of birds. They are live in the woods in bushes in hills,  in marshy places and even near our homesteads. The people of Bangladesh get up from bed early in the morning in the morning by the crimping of the birds.

There are many various kinds of birds in Bangladesh. They are different in size, colour and habits. Some birds are small and some are big. Some look beautiful and some look ugly. Some birds have a sweet voice and some have harsh voice. Some birds are game birds, some are talking birds, some are birds of prey. Some birds live on fruits and grains, some on insects and warm. Some of rotten things.
birds of bangladesh

The crow is the most common bird. It is found everywhere. It is black and ugly. Its voice is harsh. Nobody likes it but it keeps our environment neat and clean. The sparrow is a very small bird, It is found twittering around our dwelling houses. It is also commonly known to all. The pigeon and the cock are some very familiar birds of Bangladesh.

birds of bangladesh
The cuckoo, the doel, the koel, the bau-katha-kaw are generally called singing birds. The cuckoo is the most popular singing bird of Bangladesh. It is as black as the crow.
birds of bangladesh
bok pakhi
The mayna, the parrot, the chandana are called talking birds. Because they can imitate the human voice. That is why they are sometimes put in the cages and teach to speak like a man.
There are many other common birds which we see here and there. We do not know the name many of them. The wood picker is a small bird. It makes the hole in the trees and eats insects. The owl is also a common bird. It comes out at night. Besides these bulbulli, tuntuni, Kutum, Fingha, Chatake etc are some beautiful tiny birds.

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